To say we are excited about the release of our new book Playful Fabric Printing would be an understatement of the highest order! To celebrate our launch, Melly and I have invited a number of super artists and surface designers to share their first impressions of our book with you.
Each day this week, if you pop over to their websites, you will see a motif they have been busy designing and printing, and quilting—and of course, if you comment on their post, you will be eligible to win a copy of the book! Comments will remain open for two weeks, and each blogger will give away a copy. If you comment on each blog, that is TEN chances to win!
Here is our blog hop calendar:
- January 23: Melly Testa
- Jan 24: Carol Soderlund
- Jan 25: Lisa Chin
- Jan 26: Julie Fei-Fan Balzer
- Jan 27: Judy Coates Perez
- Jan 28: Carrie Bloomston
- Jan 28 Chris Dodsley as made by ChrissieD
- Jan 29: Lynn Krawcyzk
- Jan 30: Leslie Tucker Jenison
- Jan 31: Pokey Bolton
In addition, Melly and I are hosting a new Facebook group, for discussion and sharing of Playful Fabric Printing! Join here:
For my blog post today, I would like to illustrate how one sketch can be interpreted to become several types of printing tools—there is not only one right way!

Doodles. I chose the top center flower to develop.
My sketch began as a doodle on top of a list. This is quite typical for me! from there, I developed it into a repeat design and a single motif stamp. My first interpretation of the repeat design used a carving rubber to outline the design.

The carved rubber stamp lies on top of the print it made.
Another interpretation used the same design to make a pair of stamps from one piece of adhesive backed fun foam, separated into foreground and background. I used the “foreground” stamp to color the carved print above, loading two colors at once onto the stamp.

The stamp is rolled with two colors of dye paste.
Here is the finished print:

The finished print from a carved and a foam stamp.
The next print was made using only the foam stamps and a Thermofax screen. Below is the first layer, printed using the technique we call “double stamping” to create textural interest.

The first layer of printing using the foreground foam stamp (flower shapes).
Next I added detail from a Thermofax screen.

Detail lines added with a thermofax screen.
In the third and final layer I used the background stamp to add pink.

The finished print.
I kept on going with this set-up but changed the colors…..If you have an eagle eye, you will notice that this time I textured the background instead of the foreground!

Same tools, new colors.

More new colors
One idea can be interpreted in many ways! Maybe I’ll carve a potato next!
If you would like to win a copy of Playful Fabric Printing, in the comments, tell me if you have ever made your own stamp, and if so, what materials you used!